Sixth Grade English and History

Study the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Towers, learn how the ancient civilizations in Egypt, India, Iraq and China developed, locate places in the Middle East, Asia and Africa where current events occur, and create your own country.  This is sixth grade social studies. Write stories, explain how to make your favorite sandwich or food treat, write the best paragraph of your life, compose a six word memoir, answer difficult questions quickly and easily. This is sixth grade writing. Debate current events topics, add deep ideas to a class discussion, and read excerpts from your favorite novel to the class. This is listening and speaking in the sixth grade. Help your language arts class win a reading challenge, understand and remember what you read, choose books to read and discuss with classmates, learn new and fascinating words from different parts of the world.  This is sixth grade reading. Reflecting on your own work is a great way to develop critical thinking skills. We will do this often. Welcome to a challenging year of sixth grade language arts and social studies! 

About Mrs. Lovett

Mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend, and teacher are all hats I wear! Outside school I bike, hike, chauffeur, parent, read and travel with my husband and three terrific teenagers. Last year we biked the White Rim Trail in Moab, and we just finished biking the Beartooth Highway. Our older son studies engineering at UW. Our sixteen year old daughter and son are nordic racers and work hard to balance sports with studies and friends. Mark and I try to keep up with our family comings and goings. We have enjoyed living and working in Jackson since the late 70s when we were both teaching skiing at Teton Village. 

I have taught children to ski, read, swim, write, camp, and backpack since I was a teenager. I have always wanted to be a teacher and am so grateful to have the opportunity to teach sixth graders at the Jackson Hole Middle School. The three loves of my life are my family, the magnificent outdoors, and my students.

Morning Class Vision Statement

We, the students of Mrs. Lovett’s 6th grade class have all worked together to come up with the following agreement that will serve as the guideline for our class time:

 We will listen when the teacher talks, stay out of trouble, pay attention, practice SLANT, work hard, show respect to teacher and class mates, cooperate to get our work done, treat others the way we want to be treated, help each other get to class on time with our stuff, be ready and enthusiastic about learning, be friendly, be nice, be safe, respectful and responsible.

 We will strive to live up to these guidelines because they are characteristics of all of us and we want to support each other to do our best in school and be our best selves.

Afternoon Class Vision Statement

We, the students of Mrs. Lovett’s 6th grade class have all worked together to come up with the following agreement that will serve as the guideline for our class time:

We will be ready, focused, respectful to each other, quiet while working, on task, friendly, nice, listeners, generous to each other, responsible for our actions, helpful, to those who are struggling, fair to each other, put in our best effort, kind, fair, fun-loving, and relaxed.

We will strive to live up to these guidelines because they are characteristics of all of us and we want to support each other to do our best in school and be our best selves.

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